Annalee Poulsen
A n n a l e e P o u l s e n
N o r t h O r e m, U T 8 4 0 9 7
2019-Present Full-time Art and Design student, Utah Valley
University, Orem, UT
1982-84 Full-time student, Brigham Young University,
Provo, UT
2019 Studied with David Dean
1978 Studied with Solomon Aranda
Related Work Experience
2017 Sales associate (traveling gallery), Altus Fine Art,
American Fork, UT
2021 Essais literary journal, Utah Valley University,
Orem, UT
2020 Touchstone literary and art magazine, Utah Valley
University, Orem, UT
2020 Warp and Weave Literary and Art Journal, Utah
Valley University, Orem, UT
1978 First place in National Art Reflections Contest
2020 Second place in Warp and Weave Literary and Art journal